Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Basketball camp

I went to BASKETBALL CAMP today we got a cool shirt and ball.

Our team got wasted the first day.We were all sad. The next day the coach said the games the first day did not count this day did.We had a good chance on winning! Our group was group 6. Our coach said that it 6vs.7 we were happy. On the match we wasted them by over like 10 points! Then it was 6 vs.8 we wasted them too!

I just wanted to show you something i like to do

I first started with my friends yoyo. I was bad! Then i practiced over and over and now im pretty good. i know theese tricks, sleeper,walk the dog,effel tower, jamican flag, rock the baby, bind, creeper, man on the trapez, breakaway, uvo, and i think thats it but yep. It takes me a while to get a trick right and some times the string gets loose and the string flys out of my hand but i like always catch it.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing! You have some very impressive yo-yo skills!!

    I can't wait to read more of your posts!

    ~Sister Hinkson
